When done well, internships are a phenomenal experience for both students and employers: Students get priceless hands-on training doing meaningful work, make great professional connections, and earn money for school. Employers get fresh perspectives, extra help at an affordable cost, and exciting prospects that have the potential to become part of the company’s talent pipeline.
On the flip side, when internships don’t go well it can leave both students and employers feeling frustrated and disenchanted.
Hosting a successful STEM internship isn’t rocket science, but it does take some thoughtful planning. Join Courtney Jones of Rebiotix and Loren Horsager of Mobile Composer, two small employers involved in the SciTech Internship Program to hear how their companies manage interns.
In this webinar you will learn:
- How to get off on the right foot from day one
- How to determine appropriate projects for interns
- The difference between a supervisor and a mentor
- Why two-way feedback is important
- What to do when mistakes are made
- And much more!
This webinar is hosted by the SciTech Internship Program.
Recording date: Wednesday, March 29, 2017
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/Ex5YM85UwKs