Meet the company:
For many businesses, the Service Now platform is an industry standard for managing a professional workflow. A company looking to maximize their platform can hire the team at esolutionsONE who will expertly take the organization’s specific needs into account when customizing the Service Now platform specifically for their clients.

Jacob Laux, a Lead Consultant and Engineer, has navigated the “database playground” with esolutionsONE since 2016. With the significant growth the company has seen recently, he’s now helping interns learn to do the same.

“It’s worth doing an internship program, not just to help others but to give the opportunity to have people learn under you,” Laux said. “It’s really helpful to reevaluate your entry level positions and to validate that your training is up to snuff. Having an intern in the office, getting them excited about seeing how your company operates and explaining to them how you do things, it’s a valuable experience on both sides of the fence.”

When helping to screen candidates for this past summer’s internship, Laux and his team were on the lookout for someone who was a good cultural fit, had keen communication skills and the technical aptitude to understand their tools. They found the perfect applicant in Amritha Suresh.

Meet the student:
As a senior studying IT: Information Systems at St. Cloud State University, this was Suresh’s first experience interning in a professional IT setting. esolutionsONE helped set her up for success by giving her a designated point person for direct collaboration and support.

Her internship began with fundamental training to set the groundwork. Shortly after, Suresh was working with the app platform itself, using data modeling to build a test travel application with user-friendly interfaces.

“With the travel advisory app that I made, I had never done a full-sized application like that before. The user interfaces part was challenging but definitely something that I learned a lot from. Special thanks to Jacob Laux and Zoey Mangum-Herriage for helping with understanding the UI/UX concepts and techniques,” Suresh said.

esolutionONE’s internship model utilizes independent work as well as group collaboration, enabling their students to learn from professionals while applying their skills. 

“While in school, I was used to the practice of doing my projects completely on my own since most of them are individual projects,” said Suresh. “Whereas, when I work with the team here, I was able to ask for help as well as understand how they’re all working with different clients but still maintain the company culture and standard while interacting with their clients. I also had the chance to learn about what they’re working on as well as how to be an effective IT consultant. It’s an active learning journey here at esolutionsONE.” 

After this, Suresh is planning to pursue her master’s in data science with the goal of becoming a Data Scientist. Given how much she learned during her internship, Suresh had this advice to share with fellow IT students about to enter the workforce: “Be upfront with what you want to learn and what you already know. That will make it easier not only for your internship journey but also for the employer to help you better and contribute well towards your learning experience.”