About HealthFactors:
This past summer, the team at HealthFactors Inc. welcomed one software engineering and two computer science students to help them develop the user interface for a medical device that measures lung function. In the wake of the pandemic, the need for respirators and tech like this has significantly increased, as Daniel Spors, HealthFactors’ President, can tell you.

“COVID is shining a light on the lack of awareness there is around respiratory devices,” Spors said.

Keeping on trend with increasing awareness, the opportunity that SciTech interns Chan Dai, Bikash Timalsina and Edwin Nellickal received to work on this device gave them valuable exposure, not only to the medical industry but to the startup experience itself.

“Our interns have a lot of responsibility here and they wouldn’t find that elsewhere,” Spors said. “They’re able to be part of something from the start. It’s been a really great fit so far and there’s an opportunity for them to work on this for the next 15 years through its development.”

Meet the interns:  
Dai, Timalsina and Nellickal played a crucial role in the formation stage of HealthFactors’ product development process, researching similar interfaces, designing their own and integrating it with the device itself. Looking back on the experience, all three interns reflected on the impact this opportunity had on their professional careers.  

“This experience will definitely influence us,” Timalsina said. “I’m really glad that what I’m doing will make an impact in someone’s life. I’m really glad to be on this team.”

“The opportunity to work on something new like this, is very formative,” Nellickal agreed.

“Using what I learned in school to solve real-world problems, I’ve never done that before and I’m very proud of that,” said Dai. “I never thought I’d work with medical devices because of my computer science background. Thank you, SciTech and Daniel, for this opportunity.”

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Make an impact on a future STEM professional’s life and strengthen your talent pipeline. Start planning your internship today at scitechmn.org. At least 200 wage matches are available on a first come, first hire basis between now and August 2021.

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