Featured: Kevin Cunningham (left), Noah Boltik (center), and Jacob Laux (right).
At SciTech, our program places interns all across the state. Traveling for site visits is a good excuse to explore Minnesota, but sometimes it’s nice when the student finds an internship right next door.
A few weeks ago, we sat down with Jacob Laux and Noah Boltik at e:solutionsOne to talk with them about their experience using the SciTech Internship Program. e:solutions and SciTech are neighbors, both working out of Fueled Collective downtown (the co-working space formerly known as CoCo). Laux is a lead developer while Boltik, who was hired full-time after his SciTech internship, works as a ServiceNow Developer/Consultant.
In case you’re wondering, Kevin Cunningham (featured in the image above) was an intern with e:solutions at the same time as Boltik. Currently pursing a second degree in Computer Science, he was unavailable to join us for this spotlight. His separate interview can be seen here.
To kick things off, let’s start with introductions. Here’s Laux (seated left) giving us an overview of e:solutionsOne:
Before he graduated from intern to full-time employee, Boltik (seated right) started as most interns do: as an unsure beginner, not totally certain of what to expect. Now, a one-man success story, we asked Boltik to offer some advice to fellow aspiring interns, starting as he did with nothing to lose. Boltik, and Laux, had a few words of encouragement to share:
We wrapped-up our spotlight interview with a very important question: would you recommend the SciTech Internship Program to other small businesses and why? Here’s what they had to say (get ready for the zoom!):
If you’re ready to take Boltik’s advice and “just try it,” here are some links to help get interested students and employers on their way: