(From left to right: interns Rustam Kosherbay, Sage Iverson, Andre Sassine, Madie Martens, Sam Woolums and Abamath Founder Luke Schlangen) 

Teaching opens a door for discovery and understanding, for both the students and the instructors involved. That’s one of the concepts behind Abamath‘s approach to STEM Internships.

This summer, five SciTech interns got to experience this technique first hand as they worked with Abamath to help teach coding, video game and website design classes to kids in local Minnesota communities. We had the privilege of sitting-in for one such course at the Edina Community Center where intern instructors Andre Sassine and Madie Martens were leading a summer class.

A special video post of their teaching/ learning experience will be featured on our SciTech blog later this week. But for now, we’d like to kick off our Abamath feature by sharing the interns’ thoughts and reflection on their summer internship, what they learned and what they took away from this experience:

Sage IversonComputer Science Major at the University of Minnesota:
“This summer has allowed be to strengthen my technical skills while learning more about the business development that interests me.”

SciTech, STEM internship, Abamath

Andre Sassine –Computer Engineering Major at the University of Minnesota:
“Working for Abamath through the SciTech program has allowed me to expand my computer science skill set while working on real world projects. In addition to being able to apply the skills I’ve learned in school to a real web development project, I’ve had the opportunity to learn new skills such as Git, Gatsby, Javascript, and more. Having the chance to do this while also teaching students to code has been a great opportunity which I’m very thankful to have experienced.”

SciTech, STEM internship, Abamath

Madie Martens -Computer Science Major at Concordia University Wisconsin:
“As cool as it would be to have an internship with a big or even international company, SciTech has given me the opportunity to learn just as much if not more working for a smaller company. Not only am I learning some of those technical skills in my field, I also am learning the ins and outs of what it takes to run a company, small as it is.”

SciTech, STEM internship, Abamath

Rustam Kosherbay –Computer Science Major at St. Olaf College:
“Teaching at Abamath has been very rewarding because I got to teach and code during this summer. Teaching helps me to be a better student; furthermore, there is nothing more rewarding than sparking an interest in a growing mind. Developing websites for abamath has also been very fun because I was able to learn GatsbyJS to build fast and cool looking websites. I am really glad I used SciTech because that’s how I found abamath.”

SciTech, STEM internship, Abamath

Sam Woolums -Computer Science Major at Luther College:
“Without this internship, I would never have been able to get the hands-on experience in the real world and have the opportunity to get a head start on a necessary skill set for my future.”

SciTech, STEM internship, Abamath

Subscribe now and check back Wednesday and Friday for part two and three of this special internship feature! We’re highlighting classroom footage, intern interviews, and a Q&A with Abamath’s Founder Luke Schlangen.

About SciTech: 
The 2018-2019 program year is underway! Interested companies, employers and students curious to learn more about the SciTech Internship Program can check out SciTechmn.org and apply online. There’s no fee, and applying is easy. At least 350 wage matches are available on a first come, first hire basis between now and August 2019.