Employer Enrollment Form
  • Enrollment Instructions:
    • Step 1:
      • Register yourself by completing the "Register a User" form.- Required
      • Save your user name and password for future use.- Required
    • Step 2:
      • Either link yourself to an existing employer or register a New Employer.- Required
      • Check the list of existing companies prior to creating a new employer profile.- Required
    • Step 3:
      • Add a New Internship Job Posting, or return at a later date.
    • Approval Process:
      • SciTech staff will review New User, New Employer and New Internship Job Posting submissions within two business days.
      • Communication regarding your enrollment status will be sent to your primary/work email address
  • Questions? Please email SciTechMN@mntech.org
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How did you hear about SciTech? *

Email from SciTech or MnTECH
Event hosted by SciTech or MnTECH
Other Industry or College Event
DEED Email or Website
Web Search
Direct Mail Piece/Postcard
Word of mouth referral
Referred by a SciTech Champion

Program Terms and Conditions - Electronic Agreement and Signature

The Future of the SciTech Internship Program is up to YOU.  Your feedback about your SciTech internship experience is critical to the growth and continuation of this program. Rigorous evaluation of the program by both students and hiring companies is important to understanding how to improve SciTech in the future. To this end, sharing insight on and experience with the program is required of all participants through a survey on completion of the internship. Thank you in advance for your feedback.

By submitting this electronic application, I certify that the Employer:

  • Meets employer size restrictions based on employee count worldwide: Has fewer than 250 employees worldwide;
  • Is registered to do business in Minnesota;
  • Has an active business presence in Minnesota where the qualifying internship will be conducted;
  • Upon approval of an application, will sign and comply with the Grant Award Agreement;
  • Shall follow funding requirements;
  • Upon approval, will complete a reimbursement form and provide all information necessary to complete the reimbursement, including approved timecards and payroll summaries; and
  • Will retain accurate intern employment records for a period of six (6) years after completion of each internship;
  • Accepts and will comply with the Program Requirements;
  • Understands that wage matches are available for positions that meet the following criteria:
    • Interns have not already been hired by the company (no "retroactive" matches) prior to registering for SciTech
    • The company is registered for and approved by SciTech, and has an active, approved STEM internship posted on SciTechMN.org, prior to hiring an intern
    • The employer reports the hire of the eligible intern to SciTech staff prior to the start of the internship; this notification will serve to ensure that funds for a wage match are still available and may be set aside for the position
  • Agrees that the reimbursement grant comprises 50% the intern's wages, up to a maximum grant of $2,500 per student;
  • Internship provides hands-on experience in a STEM field;
  • Agrees that submitting an application does not guarantee placement of a SciTech intern;
  • Understands that prospective students have the ability to accept or deny offers of employment;
  • Upon completion of any internship, shall provide an evaluation of the program via survey within 2 weeks;
  • Will keep SciTech program staff informed about recruiting, interviewing, and hiring decisions;
  • Will notify the SciTech program staff immediately if a student leaves the internship for any reason before the internship completion date;
  • Gives permission to MnTECH to share relevant information provided on this form with academic institutions and prospective student interns (employer name, location, job description, requirements, etc.). Note: EIN numbers will not be shared;
  • Gives permission to MnTECH to share photos, videos and stories about my employer and our SciTech internship(s) in its promotional and marketing outreach efforts;
  • Agrees to hire and employ any participating students in compliance with state and federal employment laws (including, but not limited to, employment as a part-time or seasonal employee, not as an independent contractor). The Employer is responsible to comply with all applicable laws, to address any employment-related complaint, and to indemnify and defend the Minnesota Technology Association's SciTech Internship Program.
  • Has read and will comply with the Equal Opportunity is the Law Notice (p.1 document). I understand that individuals retain the right to participate in an informal dispute resolution process or to raise a complaint of discrimination or violation of civil rights. I also understand that it is the policy of the Minnesota Technology Association to comply with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (Equal Opportunity is the Law Notice, p.2 document). I have also read through the Americans with Disabilities Act (Equal Opportunity is the Law Notice, p.2 document). I have also read through the Know Your Rights information (p.6 of document).
  • Understands and agrees with the Data Privacy Notice (p.1 of document), including that information may be shared with other service provider agencies in accordance with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.
  • If you have any questions or concerns about the SciTech Internship Program, or need to address any complaint, including civil rights or discrimination, please contact Piper Cleaveland, SciTech Program Director at SciTechMN@mntech.org or 952-807-5254.

By checking ACCEPT in the Electronic Signature field below and submitting this form, you are certifying that you agree with the statements listed under Electronic Agreement and are electronically signing this agreement.

Accept Terms of Agreement *
The Minnesota Technology Association is an equal opportunity program provider. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.