Did you get an internship, but it was canceled because of COVID-19? Are you unable to find an internship for the summer and unsure of what to do instead?
SciTech’s Student Outreach Coordinator Molly Mitchell spoke with Career Service specialists at universities across Minnesota and compiled a list of tips for what to do if you don’t get an internship this summer. Here are some of her favorites:
- Do – Lean on your support system. Reach out to classmates, professors, family, friends, and alumni from your school to ask for help. People want to see you succeed! They may help you connect to other opportunities, consider alternate summer options, or just listen. All good things.
- Do – Remember, you are not alone.
- Do – focus on the things you can change. Companies are preparing a virtual workplace that will most likely continue for a while, so practice your independent work skills and show that you are able to work with minimal supervision. Your future employer will appreciate it!
- Don’t – give up! There are plenty of things you can do over the summer that can help you prepare for your career and give you valuable experience to add to your resume. Volunteer, learn a new skill, take a class, and expand your network in person and on LinkedIn
- Don’t – Be hard on yourself. This is a stressful time, and if you need to focus on your mental health, physical safety, and financial stability, do so.
- Don’t – Be negative on social media. If your internship was canceled, don’t badmouth the company. It can be discouraging to lose an opportunity, but keep your frustration private by venting to a close friend or family member. Keep your social media feeds positive and continue to stay in touch with the company. You never know what opportunities may come up in the future!
Most importantly, don’t do nothing. Future employers will want to know how you managed through this situation, and you will want to have a strong answer. Show them that you spent your time doing something valuable, and they will be impressed. Remember, it’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. Check out the linked article for more advice on staying positive during this challenge.