At the start of your internship search, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. One thing we hear from students all the time is that they’re worried they don’t have enough previous experience. If you’ve felt the same way, don’t be discouraged, this is a common concern.

We consulted actual employers from the SciTech Program, asked them what they’re looking for in an ideal candidate, and put together a short list to help you prepare and feel more confident as you approach your upcoming interviews.

Here are 5 things to keep in mind during your job search:

  1. Employers understand that you’re a student and are just beginning to get industry experience.
  2. They look at things like your “passion and grit for learning” as well as “your personal or extracurricular projects and the problems that you’ve solved.” These words are straight out of a job description posted with SciTech this week by Punch Through Design.
  3. Highlight your professional interests – what clubs do you belong to? What industry media outlets or organizations do you follow?
  4. Most employers are looking for students who have a decreased need for direction to complete tasks as the internship evolves. In other words, showcase times where you were able to work on a project independently.
  5. Additionally, showcase your ability to contribute ideas. One of the reasons employers enjoy having interns is because they want to hear new perspectives.

Keep these things in mind before and during your interviews and you’re sure to show employers just how capable you are!

Looking for more tips and advice when interviewing? Check out our Student Resources and Where are They Now? Series on the SciTech Blog!