When Pequot Manufacturing offers its summer internships, their goal is to provide a welcoming environment and engaging culture that will inspire student to stay on fulltime. So, when Emma Barchus and Patrick Moraghan started their summer internships, they were greeted with much more than just an entry-level position. With a golf event, company fishing contest and family picnics, Pequot Manufacturing made quite the impression.

“Everyone here is really friendly and helpful,” Barchus said. “I went to the family picnic and that was cool. I felt really welcomed.”

“There’s a good culture of sharing information, which I like,” Moraghan agreed. “Learning the technical skills necessary to do my job is obviously really important, but also just seeing the culture here has been really eye-opening. This is my first real job, so now I know what to search for in companies.”

More than just coffee
With more than 40 years within the precision manufacturing industry, Pequot Manufacturing’s range of specialties covers a wide scope, which means lots of learning opportunities for their interns. Both Moraghan and Barchus earned SolidWorks certifications and contributed to a new layout plan for Pequot’s north building.

Barchus also worked on a quality project and designed parts out of sheet metal. The designing process, she said, was her favorite.

Moraghan improved his DraftSight and AutoCAD skills, did some 3D printing, and designed a part for a turning machine on the manufacturing floor.

“I thought I’d just be getting coffee, so I was pleasantly surprised that they had us designing stuff. I think they trust us a lot,” Moraghan said. “This has exceeded my expectations.”

The importance of exposure
Fellow small manufacturers looking to replicate Pequot’s success needn’t overthink the internship process.

“Hiring interns is so easy,” said Laura Stromberg, Pequot Manufacturing’s HR Specialist. “Make sure you have a project list worked out with at least a general idea of what you’d like them to do before they show up. Then, once they’re here, bring them out on the design floor. Let them talk with the machinist, see what they do and learn how it’s connected.”

That exposure to the company and the professionals working there is a game-changer, Moraghan said, “Now I can really see how things are made and what machines will be using my part.” Working alongside one of Pequot Manufacturing’s level-three machinists, Moraghan got the chance to ask a lot of questions about milling, an area of manufacturing that he’s eager to explore.

After getting the chance to try out her area of study in a real, supportive and professional environment, Barchus said, “I learned that I like the CAD systems and designing best. This is what I’d like to do.”

Get involved!
Hiring season is in full swing! Whether you’re a small company looking to host an internship, or a student eager to gain industry experience, the best time to enroll in the SciTech Internship Program is now.