Here at SciTech, there are few things we enjoy more than sharing success stories about our interns. It’s fun to see what they’ve learned during their internships and hear how excited they are to work in their field. We do our best to tell their stories, but oftentimes there’s no better way to hear about the SciTech experience than from the interns themselves.

This week, the SciTech team was invited to sit in on Software for Good’s end-of-internship intern presentation. Software Engineering Interns Meghann Silagen and Jose Perales just completed their fall/ winter internship through Software for Good’s Giving Program and gave this presentation on their web app development for Community Building Tutors -STEMscape:



During their presentation, Silagen and Perales demonstrated how the web app works, walking through the student volunteer enrollment process, how to register for classes, mark and track availability and the number of hours spent tutoring. They even included a gamification element to the site which was represented by a tree icon that appears on each volunteer’s profile, its leaves growing the more hours you track.

Get Involved:
Learn more about the SciTech Internship Program, apply online and create your own meaningful internships that support your company and Minnesota’s growing STEM workforce.

Small Minnesota companies receive up to $2,500 to help pay a STEM intern. At least 350 wage matches are available through August 2019.