About the company:
The team at Invenshure is in the business of starting companies. As a “venture studio,” Invenshure works with leading research Universities to turn their inventions into businesses.
“What I love about Invenshure is that you never know what you’ll be working on,” said Software Engineer Andy Altepeter. “You get to create things from scratch. It’s fun and it’s rare to get to do that in industry.”
“We work with really early-stage technology,” added Embedded Systems Engineer Luke Buer. “Getting to implement that tech is what gets me up in the morning.”
With new, exciting tech coming in regularly, Invenshure relies on college interns to help them take these ventures and amplify them. That’s why they hired Computer Science Major Ethan Wheeler last summer and welcomed him back for a second internship this year.
“One of the many things that’s great about Ethan is he asks great questions,” Buer said. “Because of his desire for autonomy, we know we can give him a lot of responsibility with little oversite.”
Meet the intern:
“All my life I’ve been interested in building things,” Wheeler said. After taking an intro to computer science class in high school, he discovered how comp sci allowed him to not only build but create things from scratch as well.
While earning his computer science degree through the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wheeler found this internship through the SciTech job board and saw the opportunity to further develop his passion.
“I applied for Invenshure because of how many different roles I could have there and the different things I could do in a startup, working with new technology,” Wheeler said. “I stayed because of the great company culture.”
Since starting last summer, Wheeler worked on a data wrangling project, learned a lot about web development and JavaScript and helped improve Invenshure’s data scrapping process. Now, as a new group of interns are brought in, Wheeler is also developing his mentorship skills, acting as a touchpoint if the others have questions or need help.
To the incoming students, and to any intern just starting in their field, Wheeler offered this advice, “Ask, ‘How should I solve this problem?’ and find joy in that. That’s the art of problem solving.”